Thursday, October 29, 2009

Introducing Princess Zoe

I have really been a slacker when it comes to keeping this blog up. I'm sure one day I will have enough time to just do it right... until then I would like to introduce you to my new grand daughter Zoe Beth, daughter of my daughter. Grand Ma smiles...
From the top... Mommy & Daddy with the new Princess, Zoe's first day out in the big world!
With big Brother Dylan, Grand Ma & the New Princess (I say this because Sabby used to be the princess, now there's a new princess in town haha)
And a few photos of Princess Zoe in cute littlew outfits mommy likes to dress her up in.

I hope you enjoyed the sweet little Princess I will be posting more photos as she gets older :o)

Friday, September 25, 2009

46? Really? How Did I Get Here? OR Happy Birthday To Me!

I've never thought much about age. I didn't care when I turned 30, I was surprised that I made it to 40.
Now I am 46, and I feel a little strange about it. I was cool with 45, and I've never been one of those vain women who feel like they have to lie about their age to be more attractive. Now that I have gone to the other side of 45 I can sort of relate to how they feel.
I'm all good with it and don't think it's going to bother me more than a day or two at the most, but today I am looking over my shoulder at my youth. So here are some tunes that make up part of the sound track of my life.
I hope you all have a great weekend & don't forget to celebrate today... Have some cake on me!

In my life, I think of all the people that have come & gone, I remember some more fondly than others but in my I loved them more...

Sleepin sweat the mirrors cold, see my face, it's growin' old... I'm glad I got over this part of my life's soundtrack, but I will always love the music. (one artist I really miss is Layne Staley)

One of the songs that always make me smile... Rockin' to the beat of My Peppers I do adore em'
I think 3 is a good enough number of vids for anyone to want to sit through on a blog ~ I do hope you will enjoy them. Talkin' about my thought's cuz they must grow, cock my brain to shoot my load. OH! And I leave you with that.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My Daughter Is Having A Daughter.

25 years ago, I was 20 years old.

I gave birth to a beautiful little princess. She soon had everyone wrapped around her tiny pinkie finger.
It is amazing what little girls do to grown men.
It is also amazing what they do to their mothers, and I am thankful I only have one.
Women have been teaching their daughters how to be women for as long as man has walked the earth.
We teach them to be strong & compassionate, how to stand up and when to shut up. We teach them how to make oatmeal & lasagna. (If you are lucky that is)
Watching my daughter become a woman has been a strange and wonderful journey.
Emotional and rewarding.
When I had her we didn't know that 'it' was a girl, no one bothered much with learning the sex of the baby before it was born back then, so after two sons I was excited to have a girl to dress up and fix her hair. She didn't get much hair until she was two years old, and with two brothers to chase around wasn't much into getting her hair fixed, so I held her down lol, she was the pretty little tomboy in a dress, and her attitude has never changed from that stubborn beautiful strawberry blond little girl in the past 25 years.
When she had her first child at 18 (just like I did and had begged her not to follow in my foot steps) it was an incredible bonding experience for us. I had heart burn for her while she ate whatever she desired. She had a little boy.
He is the apple of my eye. We do wonderful fun things together and it is an easy & comfortable relationship. When he needs a break from the stress of life with his mom & step dad he comes to grand ma's house and just relaxes. I dig that.
This time is so much different than when she was pregnant with Mr. D as we call him.
All women know that when you are close with another woman your cycles tend to synchronize. This has always been true with my girl & I
~ insert an awww for the boys in our family here ~
The emotional affect of the daughter having a daughter to the mom is inexplicable. We range from giddy giggles to incredible anger. We share stress even if we don't know what the other is doing the energy always comes through.
The hormones are killing me I am old and have enough of my own thank you very much. I am not prepared for a new dynamic with my daughter becoming the mother of a daughter, I should say here that I am looking forward to the day she calls me and apologizes for the times she broke my heart just as I did with my own mother a few years ago. I believe it is a rite of passage into true womanhood, when you call your mom & apologize because you know how hard daughters are.
My baby girl is due within the month, and I am excited to meet my new grand child. My best friend lives in Florida, we are incredibly connected with her & her daughter... My daughters hormones are messing with all of us, even though they are 2000 miles away, I think only women have this kind of connection (I know you men reading this have strong connections to your guy friends, but this is a whole different thing)
Soon the mantle of 'Princess' will be handed down from my Princess to her daughter and I am not quite ready for that. I never considered all of the 'mom & daughter' things I wanted to finish with her that will now become her duty to do with her daughter. Will we get to do those things now? I don't know.

All I really know is what John Lennon said...
"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans"

Peace ~